
Multitude Monday

105. Pictures of "Yesterday" - days that have passed by, days of choices, of conversations, of meals
       shared, of recipes now gone, of people passed on - wishing for time with those people again with
       the wisdom and understanding I have today but didn't then.



Pope  (sounds like Poppy)

106. Shadows of ones that used to be little - who loved to color, to craft, to sing Donut Man songs, who wore matching outfits so loved by Poodle. Those who danced in front of the turned off tv to see their reflection and danced to Christian music on the radio. Those who said wise only-from-the-mouths-of-children sayings - who said the funniest things...
107. Those who endured my journey of curricula - hod-podge mixes of Greenleaf, Prof B math, Horizons Math, Math-U-See... Bible portfolios from "What Your Child Needs to Know When" by Robin Scarlata. KONOS. And finally Sonlight and Teaching Textbooks.  Computer based Switched-On-Schoolhouse. Online classes at Landry.

108. The man who's been there through it all.


Multitude Monday

100. Telling a special veteran thank you today - my 90 yo Pops.

101. Hearing of a 107 yo veteran still living.
102. A late night dinner.
103. Trying to make snow globes for Christmas gifts. So far the wet one hasn't worked. :)
104. Seeing that the names from Adam to Noah make out a sentence for us to find & consider.