
Multitude Monday

80. Another day with a sick little doggy.
81. Watching the "Christy" movies, thinking about simplicity.
82. Compassion for those who despair
83. Wanting to be a friend to those in the midst of the Holy Battle
84. Beauty in a place I don't consider beautiful



It's All in How You See It...

After the disciples came back from their 2x2 time of ministering, JESUS knew they needed rest.
HE knew what they needed, yet HE knew what was to come as well.

from David Guzik's commentary at Biblos.com:

(Mark 6)  The multitudes saw them departing, and many knew Him and ran there on foot from all the cities: It’s easy to think that the multitude was nothing but rude and demanding. The disciples wanted to send them away (Mark 6:36), but Jesus was moved with compassion for them.

i. The disciples often saw the crowds as work, and as constant demands, especially at a time like this when their well-deserved rest was interrupted by the multitude. But Jesus saw them and was moved with compassion. Each face reflected a need, a hunger, or a hurt. Being a thoroughly others-centered person, Jesus cared more about the needs of someone else than His own needs.

Serene Sunday...So Far!

73. Unique log at Yates Mill Pond

74. Mimi at our neighbor's yard

75. YiYi trying on a new dress

76. Picture by YiYi

 77. Another picture by YiYi

78. Little Man & Big Daddie on their favorite place to walk.

79. Little Mama with her buddy.


Multitude Monday

56. Doing a photoshoot with Little Man, who isn't so little anymore.

57. Sleeping with my dogs in the quiet of the day; everyone else at church - me not feeling well.
58. Weeding the garden.
59. Helping organize Big Daddie's trunk of the zillions of papers he carries around for work.
60. Bright red and pure white azaleas blooming.
61. Unexpected tickets from Big Daddie for us girls.
62. Changes of plans; a husband willing to "waste" his work time to wait in the car with my sick doggy so he wouldn't get overheated while my doctor appointment runs long.
63. Figuring out I'm missing a med; and that's why I'm feeling funny.
64. Seeing growth in Little Man even as he's just turned six.
65. YiYi getting two opportunities to second shoot events.
66. Generous parents giving to us in a very expensive year.
67. Finding free photo editing sites.
68. Knowing one day I'll figure out Photoshop - even though my version is now out of date.
69. Hard lessons learned in paper-writing.
70. Almost time for YiYi to take driver's ed!
71. That Little Mama's beautiful and good for talking together (from Isaac)
72. Pastor Jeff interrupting class to get Little Mama's and Little Man's autograph. (Little Mama was Dorothy; Little Man was a Munchkin)



Multitude Monday

51. Seeing a "dying" dog leap and run this morning.
52. Having YiYi and Little Mama come to Little Man and Daddie's lesson today - taking Lil Man's 6 yo pix!

53. Having a friend to get into a facility to help her...
54. Watching two guys move a large trampoline (with Lil Man's help) across the yard, as well as a large, wooden playset, and a homemade fort.
55. Seeing a cicada shell, or, rather, seeing it to show to Isaac - yuck! But it reminds me of how empty we are without the Holy Spirit inside to give us true life.